As usual, video recorder from the Symbian emulator provided in QtCreator IDE.
Actually, the code is pretty simple.
Just note we will have a QTimeLine, sending the current frame from 100 to a minimum. We get the max distance zoom of the current level and we do a "cross multiplication". If 100 is the higher value, and the max distance is the max distance (well... this is pretty obvious :P), we want to know the desired distance for the current frame.
qreal m_rMaxZoom;
m_rMaxZoom = MyPointerToGameEngine->GetZoomValueForTheCurrentLevel();
QTimeLine *timeLine = new QTimeLine(4000, this); //4 seconds
//The timeline will start sending the frame 100, and going down to 100/m_rMaxZoom.
//This is needed because if we allow lower numbers to zoom goes too far.
timeLine->setFrameRange(100, 100/m_rMaxZoom);
//Connections. If the frame changes it sends the calculated frame.
//If the timeLine finishes, "startPlayingNextLevel" from the Game Engine is called.
connect(timeLine, SIGNAL(frameChanged(int)), this, SLOT(zoomOut(int)));
connect(timeLine, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SIGNAL(startPlayingNextLevel()));
//The desired first zoom (100) is not sent by the timeLine
void CAnimationEngine::zoomOut(int iCurrentFrame) { //Cross multiplication qreal rZoom = iCurrentFrame * m_rMaxZoom / 100; if(rZoom > 0.05) {//Basic scale transformation to the view
QTransform trans = pointerToMyView->transform(); trans.translate((width() / 2), (height() / 2)); trans.scale( 1 / (rZoom ), 1 / (rZoom ) ); trans.translate(-(width() / 2), - (height() / 2)); pointerToMyView->setTransform(trans); }
else qDebug()<< "ERROR: AnimationEngine.cpp ------ ZoomOut(). Too close to zero";
//When the scalation is finished, move the view in order to ensure the visibility of the player.
//It's not a complicated function; basically QGraphicsPixmapItem::ensureVisible();
m_pGEng->moveTheViewToShowThePlayer(); }
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